Monday 23 March 2015

Question 7


Question 7.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

A. In our preliminary task I feel that we struggled to implement a variety of camera shots, angles and movements and this ultimately led to a very boring and monotone thriller opening. The scene consisted of mostly shots in which the two characters engaged in dialogue in the interrogation room, although naturally this would've been hard to make an 'exciting' scene, I think we failed in even sustaining the audiences interest, we used very standard camera shots like the over the shoulder and shot reverse shot, however failed to think outside the box and include camera shots that complemented the development of either characters or the plot. Keeping this in mind we approached planning our main task with focusing on using a wider variety of shots, such as the POV shot as our character approached the college, and also experimented with focus pulling to highlight key props, this we did in the editing suite which is an area I feel we improved greatly on as our preliminary editing was very basic and in our main task we began to experiment and try things out a bit more.

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