Monday 23 March 2015

Question 1


Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Firstly we had to ensure we included conventional aspects of the thriller genre, and one of our main goals was too incorporate enigma into our film. We achieved this through focusing on never showing a full view of the pschyo's face/head. We used close up shots of the characters torso to conceal his identity, a vital part of the sequence we needed to focus on was the dialogue with the receptionist and when the psycho enters the toilet, these scenes we had to carefully adjust the camera angles so to avoid revealing much detail about the character to help create a sense of enigma.

Also I think we used non diegetic sounds combined with the concealing camera shots to further the feeling of enigma, the main objective of our film was that you never saw the psycho's face and further still you never saw the massacre, however you heard his voice and you heard the gun shots. The fact we relied so heavily on sound to make inferences to the audience about the plot suggests a far more mysterious and enigma like film. We used purely Foley and non diegetic sounds to orchestrate the shooting which is effective in raising questions in the spectators minds.

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