Monday 23 March 2015

Question 7


Question 7.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

A. In our preliminary task I feel that we struggled to implement a variety of camera shots, angles and movements and this ultimately led to a very boring and monotone thriller opening. The scene consisted of mostly shots in which the two characters engaged in dialogue in the interrogation room, although naturally this would've been hard to make an 'exciting' scene, I think we failed in even sustaining the audiences interest, we used very standard camera shots like the over the shoulder and shot reverse shot, however failed to think outside the box and include camera shots that complemented the development of either characters or the plot. Keeping this in mind we approached planning our main task with focusing on using a wider variety of shots, such as the POV shot as our character approached the college, and also experimented with focus pulling to highlight key props, this we did in the editing suite which is an area I feel we improved greatly on as our preliminary editing was very basic and in our main task we began to experiment and try things out a bit more.

Question 6


Question 6.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

A. In our preliminary task we made a lot of mistakes and this time around on our main task we tried to focus on being more deliberate and thorough when both filming and editing. With filming we planned out potential shots and even did practice takes and uploaded to the blog as potential ideas we could experiment with, we decided upon a marginally wider variety of camera shots, angles and movements such as our POV shot from the killers perspective as he approaches the college. We also learned the value of white balancing every single shot no matter the setting, lighting conditions or however long the shot was, we made it absolutely imperative to obtain accurately lit shots thus to avoid as much colour correction as possible even though some was needed and we failed to use white balance in only one of our shots i believe.

In terms of editing we began to experiment a bit more this time round with what we could do on final cut pro and photoshop in which we created the logo (title sequence). We experimented with focus pulling in editing to ensure that certain props were highlighted to give information about the plot, we also used sound editing to our advantage as in our main task we used a number of foley sounds in order to create a visual image of the shooting even though you couldn't see it as an image.

Question 5


Question 5.

How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 4


Question 4.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

A. I think the audience for our media product would be a very large target of the crime/thriller genre in general, this could be an ages range anywhere between 15-60. Out of the few audience feedbacks we managed to obtain, of opinions of teenagers the same age as us (16/17) was mostly positive feedback. from this we can tell that we have not produced a product that is outdated and appeals only to older generations but the important market of both younger and older teens is also being targeted, this is positive as it maximises our target audience resulting in maximum profit potential if we were to distribute etc.

Question 3


Question 3.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A. I believe an independent british distributer would distribute our film. As in our film some elements and aspects could be compared to tv dramas of the thriller/crime genre which have been a great success. Although low budget and it would lack in notoriety when distributed it would be targeting a wide audience of british crime/thriller fans, from ages 15 up to even the older generation of 50/60, it is a popular genre and the plot seems fitting to be set in a urban british drama kind of way.

Question 2


Question 2.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

A. In our media product we focused massively on portraying our character as a 'psychopath' suffering from mental illness and this is the cause behind his behaviour. Mental health is obviously a sensitive subject so we extremified the characteristics of our killer to push him further away from a 'normal' mental health patient in society, to make his acts that much more horrific and extreme.

We decided to use mental health as a focus for our psycho's behaviour not to give him an excuse for killing, but to implement a killers perspective for the audience, helping to create a relationship between the two, and creating a far wider range of emotions and feeling within the audience.

We used concealing camera shots and close ups of his torso, to show a hidden aspect to a camera, and almost make him seen invisible, this could be argued to resonate with mental health patients in society as they are often hidden away in institutions few have heard of or visited, obviously this is not the case always but we felt that if we made the character appear like an outsider to the community it would resemble authentic traits of somebody suffering with a mental health condition. Also we used elements of mise en scene such as his costume, which we thought a natural archetype of a psychotic killer would be to have something 'off' about his appearance, so we decided to dress him overly formally so that to add a professional edge to what he is doing.

Question 1


Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Firstly we had to ensure we included conventional aspects of the thriller genre, and one of our main goals was too incorporate enigma into our film. We achieved this through focusing on never showing a full view of the pschyo's face/head. We used close up shots of the characters torso to conceal his identity, a vital part of the sequence we needed to focus on was the dialogue with the receptionist and when the psycho enters the toilet, these scenes we had to carefully adjust the camera angles so to avoid revealing much detail about the character to help create a sense of enigma.

Also I think we used non diegetic sounds combined with the concealing camera shots to further the feeling of enigma, the main objective of our film was that you never saw the psycho's face and further still you never saw the massacre, however you heard his voice and you heard the gun shots. The fact we relied so heavily on sound to make inferences to the audience about the plot suggests a far more mysterious and enigma like film. We used purely Foley and non diegetic sounds to orchestrate the shooting which is effective in raising questions in the spectators minds.

Question 7


Question 6


Question 5


Question 4


Question 3


Question 2


Question 1


Question 7

Q: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

A: well I feel as if in our preliminary task we used too much of similar shots and didn't use a variety of angles or distances. Due to the fact we did this i believe some people may have felt that this was consequently boring. For example, in our preliminary task it mainly was focused around two characters sharing dialogue in a n interrogation and so even though we have to use a shot reverse shot in that we still could have mixed it up. Moreover from this, i feel as if for the build up to our main task for the thriller opening we wanted to get as many shots in as possible because by doing so there wont just be one shot on the screen for a long time and will keep alternating to keep the audience entertained. Furthermore, from this i believe that our skills with using the mac and especially final cut pro has improved, because for example in our opening thriller we have used an editing affect when there is a shot of the radio. 

Question 6


Question 5


Question 4


Question 3

Q: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A: We would be independent film makers and this is because we haven't created a big fan base and so this causes us to be less popular than other film companies. I believe that one way we could get our film to be popular and not spend money on making sure it is seen in theatre is by having it on netflix and then also on you tube. The reason being why is because we are low budget independent film makers and cant afford to spend too much money. Therefore we having it on you tube, that particularly saves us a lot of money and gives us a chance to make money. However, depending on how easily it is to get it on netflix, we might just have to stick with putting it on you tube which still wont bother us.   

Social Media
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
These two social networking sites are key for us as they give us a way of sharing our movie and getting publicity for the movie without spending a penny. I believe because this does not cost us anything it is vital that we try and get as many people to know about our film.

Question 2

Question 1 David

Q: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A: Well firstly, we had to make sure we get the aspect of enigma into our thriller and so the way in which we attempted to get this in is not by showing his entire face and to try and keep him covered up as much as possible so that the audience does not know who this character is. Therefore we needed to use camera shots which did not show his face on screen and especially when the physco is sharing dialogue with the receptionist.

Furthermore, I felt as if the music we instituted into our film, and particularly the part where the physco enters the toilets creates a scary and ghastly feel to it. This is because of the non-dietetic heavy breathing of our main character and then leading onto the gun shot noises and screaming of victims. As well as this we were able to combine both keeping the character from exposing his whole face and also a great sound to go with it.This is where it first cuts to the scene at the physcos house and as he wakes up and the moment he opens his eyes, there is a noise in which is a bullet dropping to the floor which was from the previous scene at the school. I felt as if this was really effective and also links both scene together well.