Tuesday 9 December 2014


Script(dialogue only)



Ethan: Why don’t you just confess now so we can all go home? (staring straight at David)

David: I didn’t do anything; I don’t know what you are talking about? (looking smug and laughing)

Ethan: Don’t lie to me! (shouting) We all know it was you but I guess you’re just not man enough to admit it are you chopper? Or should I say Santiago?

David: How do you know my name? I swear I didn’t kill him! (looking worried)

Ethan: Who said anything about killing anyone? (3 second pause) you’ve got
guilt written all over your face… and I have got the weapon to prove it (lifts up the bag with a gun in it)

David: That could be anyone’s gun!

Ethan: I thought you would say that so I got someone to run some prints on it… and it came back as your weapon...

David: I’ve never seen that gun before in my life (pointing at the gun)

Ethan: Well that’s funny because this picture says otherwise (pulls out picture of Dave holding gun)

David: That’s not me (looking smug)

Ethan: You’re wasting my time punk (Angrily) 

This is a rough script that we will be going by that consists mainly of the dialogue between the characters. changes may be made to the script depending on whether or not our plans for the film change.


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